One of Professional OEM
Gift packaging Manufacturer

Your satisfactions is our motives,your choice is our pursuing golas

Custom,Unique,Vintage,luxury,Classic plastic hinge jewelry box sharing

Luxurious, classic plastic jewelry box to share

Advantages of Plastic hinge Jewelry Box Fabrication

Hard & Stonge

"The plastic boxes produced by JINYU are primarily structured using PP pellets through injection molding. They come in thickness options of 2MM, 3MM, 5MM, and 10MM. The sturdy plastic boxes provide excellent protection for jewelry, minimizing the risk of compression, loss, and damage."

Unique Desgin

"Plastic jewelry boxes are molded through injection molding, providing a more stable structure compared to paper boxes. Additionally, they have a lower unit cost compared to wooden boxes."

Easy production

"With its unique shape, size, and the skilled craftsmanship of Jinyu Packaging's engineers, distinctive plastic jewelry boxes are crafted."

Different shape for plastic hinge jewelry box

Round plastic hinge jewelry box Square plastic hinge jewlery box Rectangle plastic hinge jewelry box. Oval plastic hinge jewelry box Hexagon plastic hinge jewelry box Octagon plastic hinge jewelry box

Didfferent thickness plastic hinge box frame

“JIN YU Packaging produces plastic jewelry boxes with thickness options ranging from 2MM to 10MM for customers to choose from. The hardness varies for plastic blanks of different thicknesses.”

Plastic Jewelry box surface processing

“After the plastic jewelry box injection molding is completed, the material covering the surface of the plastic box is cut into individual pieces using a die. The surface of the plastic box can usually be wrapped with copperplate paper, printing paper, textured paper, PU, and JINYU’s engineers will recommend different materials based on customer requirements to perfectly present a unique jewelry packaging box.”

Logo Printing Craft

“After the jewelry box material are cut, JIN YU PACKAGE will create a specified logo copper mold based on the customer’s LOGO document. Then, using heat press technology with the specified color of foil paper, we will showcase the customer’s LOGO in the designated position.”

About Jin Yu Package Mission

“JIN YU PACKAGE is committed to becoming a leading supplier of plastic jewelry boxes in China. We offer comprehensive solutions and services, including the development and modification of plastic jewelry box molds, material selection and recommendations, transportation services, and quality assurance services, saving time and costs for our customers. Here, we strive to provide your business with the highest quality packaging solutions and the most professional services.


From initial design to final production, JIN YU will share every step of our production process with you. We can efficiently design and produce customized jewelry packaging boxes tailored to your unique requirements and applications.”